The Faculty of Social Science of Kampala International University recognizes the fact that counselors should possess generic competence as a result of their training. The Faculty of Social Sciences through the Department of Guidance and Counselling provides the trainees with the basic and advanced theoretical and practical knowledge in guidance and counselling courses and exposed them to appropriate and relevant practicum and internship experience that would shape their approaches to counselling.

In Uganda decades of civil strife have left the country in shambles. The effect of these civil strife have had degrading effects on the population who incidentally are supposed to keep the society functioning. Many of these people cannot function effectively because of low moral, desperation due to loss of jobs and inability to meet family demands.


Mental health is crucial for both young and old, if they are to remain stable, and efficient to learn and experience proper development of their personality. Guidance and counselling is especially important for adult population if they are to be productive and remain useful in shaping the behavior of young children under their care.

Psychologists, teachers, mental hygienists and counselors agree that family living and experiences play the most crucial role in the proper development of children. Unfortunately, modernization and urbanization have separated many people from their traditional support systems. The result is that individuals are increasingly facing problems of alienation and total inability to cope with personal and societal demands. Problems due to HIV/AIDS scourge, drug abuse academic and achievement unrealistic career choices mental problems increasing numbers of street children, child labour, orphans teenage pregnancies, refugees, financial crises, unemployment /redundancy and episodes of famine may be too much for some individuals to cope on their own.

The Guidance and counselling Department of Kampala International University found it necessary to introduce a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Guidance and Counselling programme purposely for addressing the cited nomalies.


3.1 General Objective

The objectives of this programme are to:

1.      Students to develop skills and competencies needed to function as effective counsellors and development counselling specialists in school and non-school settings.

2.      Clients to lead better, more rewarding ad productive lives as a result of objective interactions with our professional students (counsellors) in a counselling setting.

3.2 Specific Objectives

After completing the programme students should be able to:

1.      Assist clients in coping with problems that they may face from time to time.

2.      Assist clients to make rational, realistic and independent decisions

3.      Organize and administer / manage guidance and Counselling services either as a private practice or public service.